Saturday, December 15, 2012

Perspective at MARTA


Some sketches of different MARTA stations in Atlanta, GA. Some I had a little more time to do than others. All were done purely as perspective practices. Each was done in graphite on 5.5X8.5 sketch paper. Vaya con Dios.


  1. Your perspective work is fantastic. I'd go as far as to say that you're much more advanced at drawing scenes like this, when compared to your other work.

  2. Thank you; for some time perspective has never really presented much of a challenge to me as it is an easy concept to grasp, hence why I don't do much of them. However, I do need to practice perspective using figures - as you can see these images are figureless except for the few that feature representations.

  3. Lucky for some it seems, I'm still struggling with perspective myself. If you need help with perspective for figures, then I suggest you look into Andrew Loomis and start back at the basics, you'll learn a lot. Also, be sure to check out ProkoTV over on youtube, you might find some helpful tips there.

  4. Many thanks my friend. I'll be sure to hit them up.
